国际赛事 2018年香港挑战杯舞蹈比赛开始报名

发布时间:2018-03-06   浏览量:2282

The objectives of the Hong Kong Challenge Cup are to promote dance culture, and to provide a platform for practice and experience sharing for young dancers and professionals.
For celebrating the 5th Anniversary of HKCCDC in 2018, we have Grand Pas de Deux competition this year, also we divide the competition into two divisions, the Cross-Strait Four Regions Division and International Division so as to let everyone, particularly the overseas participant, has a good time in Hong Kong.
19-23 July 2018 (Thursday - Monday)
19-21 July for Cross Strait Four Regions Division,
21-23 July for International Division, dates might be altered, subject to the number of participant.
Venue: Y-Theatre, Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong
Deadline of Enrolment: 20 April 2018 (Friday)
Acquisition of Entry Forms:
Download the form or click the Google form on line from www.inspireddance.com
Request by emails at hksde.hkccdc@gmail.com
Scan the QR code from facebook and a poster

* 7月19-23日
* 两岸四地组:7月19-21日
* 国际组:7月21日-23日
* 独舞:个人  7-9岁/10-12岁
* 小组赛:8人一组   7-9岁/10-12岁
* 群舞:16-20人一组  5-6岁/7-9岁/10-12岁
* 本次比赛分为国际组和两岸四地组两场比赛,两岸四地组参赛者必须是中国大陆,台湾,香港,澳门国籍。
* 独舞参赛者可同时参加国际组和两岸四地组的比赛
* 报名截止日期:2018年3月15日
* 比赛排练课程缺课一律不予补课
* 请向各校区课程老师报名
* 报名费用请咨询课程老师